Thursday, February 19, 2009

Deadline for Video Submission: February

Remember, remember...
before the end of february, send it.
Still waiting for your art
which hopefully catches my heart.
You´ll practise your skills
and learn English in small pills.
So try to do your best.
and let us enjoy the rest.
Go for the Oscar...

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Do you Speak English?

English Video Contest

Monday, February 02, 2009

Video Contest-English Department


1. Every student at the school can take part , either individually or as part of a group or team.

2. The competition consists of making a short film ( of 3 - 5 minutes ) in English.

3. The films can be : interviews , scenes from plays, parodies of adverts, songs…

4. The films must be handed over in CD format to your English teacher.

5. Prizes of up to 40 € will be given to the best films . The prizes will be vouchers which can be used in shops .

6. The films will be judged by the entire English department.

7. Whether it wins a prize or not, every film will be considered a piece of voluntary extracurricular work and may positively influence the end of the year English mark.

Deadline : February 28th 2009.